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IMRIS Invision

Intraoperative MRI

IMRIS offers a ceiling-mounted iMRI System specifically for imaging during surgical procedures in a multi-room InVision Operating Suite. It is the only iMRI System in the world with a magnet that travels between the diagnostic room and adjacent operating rooms, bringing the magnet directly to the patient. Several different room configurations are available.

IMRIS Operating Suite configurations incorporate the following Siemens MRI systems:

  • 3T MRI Scanner, Siemens MAGNETOM Vida
  • 3T MRI Scanner, Siemens MAGNETOM Skyra
  • 3T MRI Scanner, Siemens MAGNETOM Verio
  • 1.5T MRI Scanner, Siemens MAGNETOM Sola
  • 1.5T MRI Scanner, Siemens MAGNETOM Aera

For newer U.S. installations, the iMRI Systems that IMRIS offers are the InVision 3T Operating Suite featuring the Siemens 3T Vida MRI and the InVision 1.5T Operating Suite featuring the Siemens 1.5T Sola MRI.

IMRIS Magnet Mover

The IMRIS Magnet Mover is a key component of the iMRI System. It consists of a set of ceiling-mounted rails which enable the magnet to move between rooms of the hybrid operating suite. Electric motors provide the linear and rotational movements controlled by the operator using a control pad or a hand-held pendant, which are affixed to the side of the magnet. It also includes the ability to keep the magnet connected to power, gradient amplifiers, chilled water and data.

Included with the IMRIS Magnet Mover:

  • Control Pad
  • Control Pendant

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ORT-400 Neurosurgical Table

The ORT-400 Neurosurgical Table is MR-conditional and designed specifically for optimal patient positioning and intraoperative imaging in a operating room. The OR table integrates with the IMRIS Head Fixation portfolio.


IMRISeye is an imaging alignment tool designed specifically for confirming the patient, surgical table, and any attached devices will safely fit within the bore of the MRI system.