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Recent Clinical Article

Feasibility of intraoperative MRI for endovascular coiling of intracranial aneurysms: A single centre experience

Yan et al., Interventional Neurology, Original Research Article, 2022

Yi Yan
Zul Kaderali
Tumul Chowdhury
Jai Shankar 

BACKGROUND: Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging system (iMRIS) surgical theatre is a highly integrated operating room with an intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI) designed originally for brain tumour surgery. Its use in neurointerventional procedures, particularly in the setting of endovascular coiling of intracranial aneurysms, has not been discussed in the literature to date. We present our initial experience about the safety and feasibility of iMRI to assess post operative complications and provide baseline imaging post coiling of intracranial aneurysms.

METHODS: Consecutive patients who underwent iMRI between 2015 and 2018 were included in the study. Demographic, clinical details, endovascular technique and surgical outcomes were collected. Details of anesthesia during the procedure were also collected.

RESULTS: Gliomas (904/1517 cases, 59.6%) were more likely than pituitary adenomas (176/515, 34.2%) to receive additional resection after iMRI (P < .001), but these tumors were equally likely to have additional tissue sent for histopathology (398/904, 44.4% vs 66/176, 37.5%; P = .11). Tissue samples were available for resections after iMRI for 464 cases, with 415 (89.4%) positive for tumor. Additional resections after iMRI for gliomas (361/398, 90.7%) were more likely to yield additional tumor compared to pituitary adenomas (54/66, 81.8%) (P = .03). There were no significant differences in resection after iMRI yielding histopatho- logically positive tumor between grade I (58/65 cases, 89.2%; referent), grade II (82/92, 89.1%) (P = .98), grade III (72/81, 88.9%) (P = .95), or grade IV gliomas (149/160, 93.1%) (P = .33). Additional resection for previously resected tumors (122/135 cases, 90.4%) was equally likely to yield histopathologically confirmed tumor compared to newly-diagnosed tumors (293/329, 89.0%) (P = .83).

CONCLUSION: The iMRI is an advantageous tool which can be integrated into neurointerventional workflow resulting in early post peri-procedural feedback and potentially reduced post-operative hospital stay.