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Clinical Report

Cavernous Angioma (Vascular)

Dr. Garnette Sutherland, Professor,
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical Neurosciences
University of Calgary, Foothills Hospital, Calgary, AB

PATIENT INFO: 23 year-old right handed female presented with acute headaches associated with right-sided paresthesia. The patient was evaluated with both diagnostic CT and MR. Imaging studies showed a left paracentral intra-axial lesion/hemorrhage. The investigation was supplemented with contrast angiography that did not show abnormal filling or draining vessels.

SUMMARY: Patient was brought to the operating room and, following general endotracheal anesthesia, was placed supine on the operating table. Surgical-planning iMRI studies including fiber tracking showed well the lesion and its relationship to motor and sensory fibers. Through a small craniectomy, the lesion was exposed and resected. Quality-assurance iMRI studies showed complete resection of the cavernoma with fiber track preservation. The patient made a full recovery.